Sunday, June 28, 2015


The best wedding gift my wife and I received were two prophetic words from  two different individuals, one from a lady the Sunday before we were married, and the other from our pastor during the wedding itself.  Scripture says that it takes two witnesses to confirm something as true.  What a wonderful confirmation from God that His hand was directly involved in our marriage, that He would give, not just one, but two words!  The fact that one came through a woman and the other through a man also, I believe, carries significance.

I want to focus on just one word that Sue Nelson spoke (wrote, actually) to us, but here is the entire sentence:  "As I have drawn you together in Me, I will be faithful to hold you and care for you and love you uniquely  unto Myself."  Wow! What an encouragement!  That's why I love the prophetic so much.  One might be able to glean that truth from reading Scripture, but to have God speak it directly to you is something quite special.

What I love about the word "uniquely" is that it speaks of God's wonderful, amazing and infinite creativity.  The One who never makes two snowflakes (or people) alike loves to mix it up, to do things differently, to catch us off guard by the new things that's He up to.  Do you know why the two on the road to Emmaus failed to recognize Jesus when he appeared to them after his resurrection? Luke says that "they were kept from recognizing him", but Mark tells us how:  "Jesus appeared in a different form to two of them . . ." (Mk.16:12).  The whole story of God's dealings and relationship with his people is filled with this kind of thing.  Over and over again He's having to break apart the boxes that the religious status quo has tried to build around Him, trying to define the Infinite One. What folly!  Yet we keep doing it, don't we?  I think we do it because we think it will give us a sense of security if we can make Him more predictable, more conformable to our expectations.  But the opposite is what is true and real.  His infinite creativity should add to our sense of security, knowing that anything is possible!  God is never "challenged" by the problems and issues that threaten to overwhelm us.  He specializes in turning negatives into positives, creating order out of chaos.  That's when He is at His creative best!

When I read what Sue wrote to us, that God has promised to  love us "uniquely" unto Himself. I think, "the sky is the limit!"  What He's doing in us is not going to look like what He's doing in others, and we shouldn't expect it to.  That's the limitation of professional counseling.  A counselor is limited by his/her concept of what should be happening, by what they think is the right and best way to help someone.  Not that there's anything wrong with that.  It's just not the whole picture.  Only God sees the whole picture and He can do it any way He wants - "God is in the heavens;  He does whatever He pleases (Ps.115:3)!"

   "Our little systems have their day,
     They have their day and cease to be;
     They are but broken lights of Thee,
     And Thou, oh Lord, art more than they!"
                                             - Alfred Lord Tennyson

   "Truth is stranger than fiction, for fiction is limited to what we can imagine and truth isn't."
                                             - Mark Twain

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