Saturday, February 13, 2010

Awakening to the journey

For quite awhile now, I have had a keen sense that I am on a journey and I am not alone. The longer I'm on this path the more I am appreciating how adventurous and dynamic this process really is. I'm convinced that everyone has a unique and remarkable story to tell but few seem to be aware of how unique or remarkable it really is. Some might say that because I got to grow up in a foreign country, raised by missionary parents, that this has given me an extra bonus toward seeing my life as unique in some way. Maybe, maybe not. For the most part, though, my life has been pretty average (or below average from an economic standpoint!). As I see it, if there is anything that stands out to me about myself, it is that I have had a hunger to know God my entire life. If I had been raised in an atheist or nonreligious family I'm not sure how this hunger would have manifested. But because I was raised in a well churched setting my hunger to embrace the ultimate issues of life became focused on wanting to "know God". This strong, overarching desire has been to me the guiding light on my journey. Every major decision I've made has been directly influenced by this inward drive.

I would like to take a new direction with this blog. It's possible that I might start a whole new blog altogether, devoted to this new theme. I don't know yet. The two themes are definitely connected so I may just continue with this blog, we'll see. But the new theme would be entitled something like "A God Quest - One Person's Search for God and Meaning". I would like this blog to now become a record of both my past, and present, quest to know God - not in a theoretical or theological sense, but in a very nitty-gritty, down-to-earth sense. What has come to make life so fascinating to me is being able to view it as a creative work of the Master, in process. My all-time favorite saying of Jesus is, "I only do what I see my Father doing". Sometimes I feel like I can stand back, look at what's been happening in my life and say, "Wow, isn't that cool - God is really doing something neat!" Unfortunately, most of what I see God doing is through hindsight, but I hope I can improve and become more like Jesus in recognizing the present activity of God. That is my goal. Like the great saints of old my desire is to simply "walk with God". Would you like to join me in that walk? I'd love to hear your stories as well! What greater adventure can there be than to walk with the Master of the universe! Go for it! Nothing will be harder or more challenging. But if my short life has taught me anything, it is that it will be well worth it.

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