Sunday, March 13, 2016

through the mouth of an ass

This has been a very unusual political season and what has made it especially intriguing to me is what some influential Christians have been saying recently about the Republican front-runner, Donald Trump. Lance Wallnau sees Trump as someone with a "wrecking ball annointing" and compared him to the Persian emperor, Cyrus the Great, whom God used to bring a remnant of His people back from the Babylonian exile. Lance points out that this is the 45th presidential election of our nation, and in Isaiah 45 God says this about Cyrus: "This is what the LORD says to his annointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I take hold of to subdue nations before him and to strip kings of their armor, to open doors before him so that gates will not be shut: 'I will go before you and will level mountains, I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron. I will give you the treasures of darkness, and riches stored in secret places. . . For the sake of Jacob my servant, of Israel my chosen, I summon you by name and bestow on you a title of honor, though you do not acknowledge me..." (Isaiah 45:1-4).

Nita Johnson, a leading and influential voice in the prophetic community, recently published this word about Trump:
"Four years ago the Lord spoke to me and told me that in the next election, He would put a Cyrus in the White House...I have had several dreams and visions about Donald Trump and each time, he seemed to come out of nowhere to take on the establishment! Then it began to happen. 
If you want a religious man, you can have that in Ben Carson. He will be good in his place, in the season God has for him. However, God has not equipped him to do what our Nation needs at this time in history. I look for that to come later. If you want a Cyrus that will turn America back to the land of promise and deal with the high-level wickedness, you must look for the one who is anointed for this purpose: Donald Trump. The man at the top does not need a Cyrus mantel to turn America around if he is a spirit-filled Christian. He does, however if he is Trump. It's the mantel of Cyrus that will do the work. The man simply will be a tool in God's lofty and wise hands. I think a great pairing would be Trump as the President and Carson as the Vice President.
Trump may have need of grace in particular areas. Nevertheless, he is not evil like those of the shadow government. He will cause many of their tall and lofty mountains to fall. I promise you, as God is through Trump, doing that very thing. Trump is like a bull out of the pen, he sees red and heads for the target. He is as fearless as a lion being robbed of its cubs. With the mantle of Cyrus and the qualities God gave him, Trump will achieve as much as we, through our prayers, make a way for him to accomplish. It will take the whole team fighting for this nation, for us to win the war.

For our modern day Cyrus to achieve God's design he will need more than just desire. He will need solid prayer covering and divine enablement. The Church cannot keep thinking that the world will take care of us just because we are the Lord's. The world wants their government, not God's. The Church will end up in a den of suffering if we do not fight now through prayer and our actions by voting for God's will.
One person mentioned to me that they thought God could just put the Cyrus Mantel on Dr. Carson. He could, but the Lord does tend to make the personality of the bearer fit the mantel. This being the case, why do we trifle with God's selection? He is so much more than our little, and fearful boxes can visualize."

Does that offend you, that God would choose a morally repugnant person like Trump to do His work? The prophet Habakkuk was similarly offended that God would use the pagan nation of Babylon to punish Judah (Habakkuk 1:12-2:1). And we're all familiar with that Bible story of God using a donkey to rebuke the prophet Balaam. That's what I call an "out of the box" God! His ways are definitely not our ways! 

So the question is, how can we position ourselves to be able to recognize what God is doing if He does things so differently than what we would expect? The answer is so simple, yet so incredibly difficult. "Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you." The closer we are to God the easier it will be to recognize what He is doing. But how does one draw near to a consuming fire?! We are as close to God as we want to be. Are we willing to let His fire consume us?

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