I saw the parked cop car about the same time his radar gun saw me. Two minutes later I was parked on the shoulder of the road. What had been a still, small voice was now a glaring, flashing red light. Got the message now, Mr. Jones?
As I reflected on these happenings at the start of my day the message came through to me clear as a bell, and I want to pass it on to you, my reader, because I believe it is an important message we all need to be reminded of from time to time. The message is this: DO NOT IGNORE THAT LITTLE VOICE THAT YOU KNOW IS RIGHT BUT YOU WISH IT WASN'T. The danger of ignoring what we know to be right is that our ability to hear that voice becomes weakened, even to the point that we will no longer hear it if we ignore it too often. It's called a hardened conscience. We need to keep our hearts soft and easily receptive to Heaven's voice. If it irritates, challenges, pushes us out of our comfort zone, it's a pretty good indicator that we'd better pay attention. Would you ignore that little warning light on your dash that's telling you you're almost out of gas?
Fortunately, grace is available to all of us who from time to time ignore that still, small voice. Just like the cop who only gave me a warning instead of a ticket, Heaven will give us warnings before
the harsher judgments come. But I am resolved to continue to work on slowing down in life. As the saying goes, "speed kills", and I want to be about life, not death.
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